Join the community of educators that is CCAHE
The Clark College Association for Higher Education (CCAHE) is the faculty union; professors, librarians and counselors are all represented by CCAHE. Each year, we gather more strength and momentum as part of a national movement of organized educators striving for better working conditions, better pay, and the quality instruction our students deserve. You can now:
enroll online here or click on the QR code below to access the e-form
As a member of CCAHE, you:
- Can vote to ratify our contract, elect officers or to weigh in on other CCAHE matters.
- Have a voice and can participate in CCAHE general membership meetings and social events.
- Are concurrently a member of WEA which is the Washington Education Associaton and NEA which is the National Education Association.
- Have a voice in the Associaton's work related to wages, benefits, workload, class size, evaluations and other education policies that affect you and your students.
- Stay abreast of current issues and events when you receive CCAHE's updates, WEA's 2.0 Magazine, NEA Today or other NEA and WEA publications and communications.
- Can be elected to an office at the Senate, officer, state or national level.
- Can obtain legal advice by utilizing the Attorney Referral Program which provides discounted personal legal services through WEA network attorneys.
- Belong to the 92,000-member statewide organizaion that is the collective voice for Washington's public schools, students, and school employees.
- Are protected by $1 million in Educator Employment Liability Insurance provided to CCAHE members.
- Have access to grants including the WEA Children's Fund.
- Can be reimbursed for attorney fees and other legal costs up to $35,000 if accused of violating a criminal statute in what otherwise would be within the scope of your education employment activities.
- Can get discounts on online college classes and other online professional development offered to NEA members.
From K-12 teachers in LA to community college professors in San Francisco to grad students in Chicago, organized educators are changing the landscape of American education by demanding that we invest more in our teachers and students. Join the movement that reflects a renewed and invigorated commitment to educating today's student by becoming a member of CCAHE.
About 80 percent of Clark faculty are CCAHE members, and about 95 percent of Clark's full-time faculty are CCAHE members.
Membership dues are automatically deducted from your check except summer term. Dues deducted from each check are $44.40 for full-time and $12.62 for part-time. Contact Yusufu Kamara for a membership application today or enroll online here.
We have great support from our community. Our affiliates include:
- Jobs with Justice
- VEA (Vancouver Education Association)
- CEA (Camas Education Association)